“Nestled right in between Big Bend National Park and Big Bend Ranch State Parks the natural beauty is never ending! ”
Just a short hike and you go explore this old QuickSilver / Mercury mine in the national park. Be careful not to pick up any rocks, it might still be contaminated
You can find this and other machinery at the Castalon Visitor center in Big Bend National Park. Views of Santa Elena are amazing. You can also see this canyon wall from the RV Park.
Beautiful views of Santa Elena Canyon. The Rio Grande runs right through the canyon. You’ll see this on your drive to Santa Elena from Ross Maxwell Scenic Drive. This is about an hour from RoadRunner Travelers RV Park.
This is the south view of Castalon from the Castalon visitor center in Big Bend National Park.
Rafting in Big Bend Ranch State park. We got lucky and had someone who could play some tunes.
We came across these cuties while we were driving around the state park.
You’ll see this off Ross Maxwell Scenic Drive - Near Castelon.
The sunsets never disappoint out here. This was taken in the state park, those mountains in the background are in Mexico.
Big Bend Ranch State Park has so many good trails, including the Closed Canyon Trail. It’s not long at all, and much cooler in here than you’d think! Oh yeah, and dog friendly too!
This is right before you get to the hot springs in Big Bend National Park. You can see the Sierra Del Carmen in the background, one favorites.
One of my favorite things is that you don’t have to stay on the trail. Always fun to hike down a dry river bed. A lot of times you’ll find water here about 2 - 3 miles in. Great little hike in Big Bend Ranch State Park.
One of many cool views off Old Ore road in Big Bend National Park.
Check out Ernst Tinaja in Big Bend National Park. Nice easy hike. You do have to drive down a rough road to get there, but it’s worth it!
One of my favorite cactus’ down here. This is at Homer Wilsons ranch in Big Bend National Park. It’s right off of Ross Maxwell scenic drive, you’ll pass it on the way to Santa Elena canyon.
This is down Fresno creek, just hike down the creek about 2 or three miles and you’ll find several cool paths to take.
This is in Big Bend National Park right off Ross Maxwell scenic drive on the way to Santa Elena canyon. This is about 30/45 min from the rv park.
Take a rafting trip down the Rio Grande where Mexico is on one side of you and the US is on the other. Great way to see the national or state park.
Geologist paradise out here. Love all the colors…I have no clue what the different layers are, but it’s beautiful.
Views you’ll see when you drive Ross Maxwell Road. This is about 10 minutes or so from Santa Elena Canyon.
I can’t get tired of these views. This is in Big Bend National Park.
Another great trail in Big Bend Ranch State park. Don’t know what a hoodoo is? Scroll to the next picture to find out.
Yup, that’s Mexico on the other side of the Rio Grande. This is off Ross Maxwell scenic drive. It’s about 45 minutes from RoadRunner Travelers RV Park.
Lots of green Ocotillo. The cactus has these green leaves if there is a little bit of rain. This is in Big Bend National Park off Ross Maxwell Scenic Drive.
Here is a picture of the tinaja. The rocks here are crazy, and all different shades of pink and red. This picture does not do it justice. This is off Old Ore road in Big Bend National Park.
Old ore road in Big Bend National Park is a fun drive, but it is a rough road. You get to see different views of the Chisos throughout your drive.
Views of the Rio Grande. You’ll know the big hill when you get there. A must do in Big Bend Ranch State Park.
Drive to the top of the Chisos mountains to see the window trail views. This is in Big Bend National Park.
This is down one of the creek in the state park. This is about 30 minutes from RoadRunner Travelers RV Park.
Rain storm in Big Bend National Park. Summers are the best for thunderstorms like this.
Folks from Mexico make these trinkets and leave them for visitors to purchase around the park. This was off the Hot Springs trail in Big Bend National Park.
Another great view point off Ross Maxwell scenic drive in Big Bend National Park. This is about 30 minutes from RoadRunner Travelers rv park.
This is on your way to Boquillas canyon. You’ll drive through a tunnel and there is pull off that you can watch the sunset over Sierra Del Carmen’s in Big Bend National Park.
See that strange formation? That is a Hoodoo. You can take this trail all the way down to the water - great little swimming area! One of Trackers favorite spots … and yes, dogs are allowed on this trail! :)
In Big Bend National Park…Just after the west entrance, take the dirt road to your right and you’ll head straight towards Santa Elena canyon. It takes about 1 hour to get there from RoadRunner Travelers RV Park.
This little creek in Big Bend Ranch state park has water in it most days. Sometimes more than other.
So many beautiful views as you drive around the Chisos mountain range in Big Bend.
Rafting down the Rio Grande in Big Bend Ranch State Park.
This is in the national park. You can find the Sierra Del Carmen mountains in the background.
Chris capturing the Chisos off Old Ore Road in Big Bend National Park
Just tying to take a moment capturing the beauty. This was in Big Bend Ranch state park.
The Hoodoo’s trail is in Big Bend Ranch State park. It’s a dog friendly trail with plenty of views. That’s the Rio Grande and Mexico on the other side.
This is driving down one of the backroads in Big Bend Ranch State Park.
This is in Big Bend Ranch State park. You can take guided tours or just rent equipment at one of the rafting places in Terlingua.
This is about 20 minutes from RoadRunner Travelers RV park in Big Bend National Park, just off Maverick Road.
This is at the end of the Santa Elena trail. A must see if you’re visiting Big Bend National Park. This is about an hour from RoadRunner Travelers RV Park.
This is in the National Park….beautiful views everywhere you looks.
This was taken in the state park. If the river is up, a rafting trip is a great way to experience the Big Bend.
This is one of my favorite roads in Big Bend National Park. Takes you to River road. Perfect jeep riding.
This place has trickles of water most of the year. This is in Big Bend Ranch state park.
Just pick a river bed somewhere and start hiking. I think this was the national park, but I’m not sure.
When there is a cottonwood in the desert you know there is a water source. This was just near Black Gap in Big Bend National Park.
Going down Black Gap road in the national park you’ll run into this cemetery. This is an unmaintained road and you must have 4-wheel drive. Fun road for jeepers.
Somewhere in Big Bend Ranch State park or Big Bend National park along the Rio Grande. Mexico is on your right, the US is on your left. Take a rafting trip if you can!
Somewhere along the Rio Grande in the Big Bend region.